Responsive Classroom Training

I am out of my classroom for the second day in a row.
We all know that it is so hard to write lesson plans and get the classroom ready for your substitute.

This training is so worth it. I can't wait to go back to school and incorporate everything I have learned.

This is the basis of Responsive Classroom. 

I am taking the last course I can take here at my local BOCES.
This one is called Responsive Classroom; Advanced Course: Engaging Academics.

It was fantastic. We talked about how we can make our teaching better to help our students be more engaged. 

My big takeaways are that I need to plan while being mindful. I can get out my plan book and look at what Greeting, Share, and Activity I did last year and plug it into my plan book. Now, I am going to try to add in some academic learning along with my fun and wonderful Morning Meeting. 
The other takeaway is that I need to add in Academic Choice to our work time. This does not have to be a full, blown-out PBL project. I just have to make sure to be mindful (there's that word again) about planning and giving them some sort of a choice so that they take ownership.

We reviewed Guided Discovery 

These were things I definitely needed to review. I do this so much in the beginning of the year with math manipulatives and tools we use in the classroom, but I forgot that if you introduce anything new into your classroom that you are going to use daily, you have to do this again and again. 

I will be posting more about this at a later time. 

Have a wonderful day!

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