Last Four Days of School

I live in upstate New York. We don't start school until after Labor Day every year and we don't end until the end of June every year.
I think there are benefits from having my summer vacation last until after Labor Day. That being said, it is really hard to look at all of your summer and relaxation photos right now. :)

You know how it is...where did my firsties go? It was like there was a light bulb that went off in the beginning of June and it was not a very bright one. This one said, "It's June, we are done with school!". It has been quite a month so far.

One of my favorite expressions that I have used over and over in my life is...Two goods and a bad. For some reason with every two goods, there is always a bad. :)

It started off with our new Science Kits being delivered.

This is the first good. My kiddos LOVE them. We have already gone through eight lessons. They can't wait until the next day until we can do more.
They are learning about sound. These kits have everything.
The other day they made their own kazoos and tested them out to see which one worked the best.
We are going to continue our Science lessons through to the last day.

The second good is that my kiddos are so interested in Read to Self right now. We have had a half hour each day dedicated to this.

Quite amazing from what they have come from.
In the beginning of the year when I introduced Red to Self, their first practice was 15 seconds! Now they are begging for Read to Self.

The bad...
I have no idea, outside of these two good things, where my firsties have gone. They have been trained, we practice, we have gone over one million times how to walk in the hall, how to raise your hand when you would like to talk, how to use the crayons AND put them back. I could go on and on!
So where did they go?
Are they somewhere deep down inside?
I hope so for their second grade teacher's sake. :)

Although, when you think about it...don't we all turn into our little monsters at the end of the year?

If you are already on summer vacation, I hope you are enjoying every last minute. 
If you have a few days left like I do, Persevere! We can do this!

Have a wonderful day!

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